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We provide public schools with tools that boost performance through rigorous programs and a commitment to equity.

90 Broad Street, Suite 2101
New York, NY 10004

(212) 867-3060

Our Postsecondary Readiness work encourages schools to radically reimagine postsecondary preparation, shifting from a process that starts at the very end of high school to one that helps students imagine the world of work beyond school from the very beginning.

We work with schools to create a postsecondary program that helps students develop interests, skills, and talents from as early as 9th grade, putting them on an early pathway to postsecondary success.

Early College and Career Awareness

Early Career and College Awareness (ECCA) is a 9th and 10th-grade program that explicitly introduces students to self-discovery exercises and helps them learn about and engage with various career opportunities and educational pathways. This exposure and awareness allow students to be in the driver’s seat throughout high school as they explore their interests and design a personalized postsecondary plan. 

We support schools to develop the beliefs, behaviors, and systems to integrate a thoughtful ECCA program in their schools.

Counselor Community

The Urban Assembly recognizes the barriers our students confront during the college and the financial aid application process, and our support is centered on building the UA college counselor community and strengthening each member’s practice and expertise.  

Through monthly gatherings, weekly email updates, and access to a UACC hotline and listserv, college counselors share best practices, learn from experts at the UA and in the field, and engage as a community to better understand the critical deadlines and content needed to counsel students.

Team Members

Ayinde Bennett

Ayinde Bennett

Postsecondary Access Manager

Jonathan Baez

Jonathan Baez

Work-Based Learning Manager



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