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We provide public schools with tools that boost performance through rigorous programs and a commitment to equity.

90 Broad Street, Suite 2101
New York, NY 10004

(212) 867-3060

All 22 of the Urban Assembly's small, public schools are centered around a theme. Each theme comes alive through partnerships.

The public, private, non-profit, and higher education sectors can and must come together to prepare our students for the 21st century economy, to break the cycle of poverty and to move students into the middle class.

The Urban Assembly is a leader in bringing together effective and mutually beneficial partnerships that support our schools and help our students succeed.

I believe that being involved in public education is more than an ethical obligation. I think it is an opportunity to help build our economy. This is also a self-serving mission. If we can help our schools prepare students for the workforce, my own company and my own industry will benefit.

John Dionisio, Former CEO, AECOM and UA Annual Benefit Chair, 2015


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